Starter 1.4kW genuine part

Škoda part number:
  • 02Z 911 023 J
  • 02Z 911 023 JX
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intended for vehicles manufactured after 2010

What cars does this part fit? [+]

Part suitable for Škoda Superb 2 , engines:
1.9 TDI PD77kW/105PSBLS03/2008 → 09/2010
1.9 TDI PD77kW/105PSBXE03/2008 → 11/2010
This part occurs in the following categories:Spare PartsElectrical EquipmentStarter

Part origin: genuine part (genuine part)
Item is available, if you order now, we'll ship on Wednesday 19.6.2024.
627,44  incl. VAT 518,54 € excl. VAT

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Product question Starter 1.4kW

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