Air Quality Sensor Hella

Škoda part number:
  • 4H0 907 658 C
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Air quality sensor.

What cars does this part fit? [+]

Part suitable for Škoda Enyaq , engines:

Manufacturer facts [+]

Manufacturer facts: Hella

Hella offers a wide selection of spare parts. On the one hand, an extensive electronics program for ever-increasing repair volumes - with sensors, actuators and controllers. On the other hand, a wide-ranging electrical system program for many years developed, ranging from acoustic signals through relays, switches, starters and generators, washer pumps to innovative lighting products. In the area of temperature management, the Behr Hella Service is one of the leading suppliers of vehicle air conditioning and engine cooling in the aftermarket. This division was bought by Mahle at the beginning of 2020.


Part origin: Hella (Germany - OE producer)
Item is available, if you order now, we'll ship on Tuesday 18.6.2024.
112,84  incl. VAT 93,25 € excl. VAT

Product question Air Quality Sensor

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